Crafting a New
Era of Leadership Through
Education Training Employment

TEAM Programme is an intense nine-week programme that supports the personal and professional development journey of our beneficiaries into education, training and employment.

Crafting a New
Era of Leadership Through
Education Training Employment

TEAM Programme is an intense nine-week programme that supports the personal and professional development journey of our beneficiaries into education, training and employment.

an intense nine-week programme

It is structurally designed to provide for active team-building, and gradually increase skills development, including communication, reliability, confidence, motivation and resilience. The end goal is for participants to enter employment, training or education.

"To accelerate the social and economic growth of young people through self-empowerment initiatives"


Discover talents and equip young people with relevant skills

Empower through various  partnerships and platforms

Discover talents and equip young people with relevant skills

Prince’s Trust International was founded by His Majesty The King of the United Kingdom, to tackle the global crisis of youth unemployment and have been supporting young people worldwide since 2015. They work with local partners to develop programmes and interventions to help young people to build their own futures.

They are committed to amplifying the voices of young people on the global stage and putting their needs at the very heart of the design and delivery of our work. This complements global efforts to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, their programmes are now present in 17 countries within the Commonwealth and beyond across Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Europe.

Selangor Youth Community is the official Malaysian partner of Prince’s Trust International UK. 


Not in education, employment or training who are in need of this opportunity​

Care Leavers​

Young people who are about to leave foster/care homes before/once they reach 18 years old by Malaysian Law​

HRH Tengku Amir Shah with Team Programme Participants

Young Offenders​

Young people who committed crime when they were minor (<18) who has to complete community hours or served time in institutions​

Drug Users​

Young people going through treatment/rehabilitation in drug rehabilitation centres

Programme Framework

> 54 Guided Learning Hours

Knowledge Transfer With Industry

Generic Modules

5 Stages

Corporate Participation

Discipline & Technical Specific Modules


Personal Attribute Modules

Success Stories

Lets hear from them first hand

Hairul is a diploma graduate who was unemployed before participating in TEAM. Aged 25, he worked in a factory as technician before being retrenched due…


Unemployed for 7 months after finishing his education. He has been trying to search high and low for an opportunity but it was tough especially when anxiety comes in.


After graduating, Izzah (25) struggled to find work. Because of the pandemic, very few companies in Malaysia were recruiting. After taking part in the programme…

Young People Write Up

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Fueling Progress: Donate to Our Team Program and Drive Positive Change.

A powerful initiative dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals and communities alike. With your generous support, we can achieve incredible things together. By contributing to our cause, you’ll be empowering growth, fostering unity, and transforming lives.